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Среда, 27 Февраль 2013 17:10

26 февраля 2013г. состоялось подведение итогов конкурса, посвященного 8 марта, среди учащихся 3х классов.

Лучшими исполнителями стали:
1.Жежер Инна - 3а класс
2.Тарасюк Екатерина - 3б класс
3.Михайлина Ксения - 3а класс
4.Залесская Ольга - 3б класс
5. Садыков Руслан - 3а класс
6.Колосов Михаил - 3б класс
7.Гордица Алексей - 3а класс
8.Цветкова Анастасия - 3б класс
9.Смоленская Анастасия - 3 а класс
10.Паничкина Елена - 3б класс
11.Кисляков Даниил - 3а класс
12.Козлова Софья - 3а класс
13.Кирин Александр - 3а класс
14.Сухов Александр - 3а класс


Дорогие наши женщины, эти стихи мы посвящаем Вам:


My mother is very nice

She’s got beautiful eyes

She’s got a smile to charm us

She’s got a song to calm us.


My dear, dear Mummy

I love you very much

I want you to be happy

On the 8th of March

I like the way you look

I like the way you cook

Now what I really want to say

Is “Happy Mother’s Day”!


I love you, Mummy, very much

And wish you on the 8th of Match

To never change, to stay yourself

And to be honest with myself

To help the people that you love

To be as gentle as a dove

Who’s flying in the rays of sun

And to believe – you are the one.


My dear Mummy,

Stay the way you are!

The 8th of March is beauty holiday

I want to see you shining like a star

So happy and good looking every day.


I know a face, a lovely face

As full of beauty as of grace,

A face of pleasure and of smile.

In darkness it gives the light.

A face that is itself like joy,

To see it I’m a happy boy.

And I have a joy that have no other.

This lovely woman is my mother!


Mom is such a special word

The loveliest I’ve ever heard

These words to you, above all the rest,

Mom, you’re so special,

You are simply the best!








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